Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Tips - Optional?

I found this message in Oberoi Hotels in Mumbai - "Tips is optional. We do not levy any service charge for the same".

The day might not be far, when we may have to shell out a 10% service charge and a 12.5% VAT on the TIPS which we give to the bearers in the hotels..

Strange are our ways when we bargain with the auto walas and the vegetable vendors but do not mind letting out a nice sum as a tip in these hotels where the price of anything is already suffixed with a couple of additional zeros..

1 comment:

Shyam said...

Tell me one thing,what is this service charge. is this a tax? i believe not. if such is the case, why tips. if it is a tax, then why VAT? If VAT is a tax on sale of goods, then why service charge on the same? strange are ways of the taxman