From today (actually yesterday) the world will not be comprised of equals. Some are more equal than the others. McKinsey shortlists came out yesterday. There were a few happy and lots of sad faces floating in ISB. Lots of back biting as well. War lines are drawn and people take positions. A few swore yesterday that they would never hire McKinsey when they become CEOs. A few said they would shortsell the company's stock (unfortunately it is a partnership firm). Another group resolved that they will make McKinsey realize its mistake of not hiring them by excelling in their careers that would make McKinsey beg them to join their firm (at a future date). Yet another club was formed yesterday - "I hate McK" and memberships to this club sold like hot cakes. And yes, there were a few (a clear minority), who reaffirmed their belief that McK was indeed the best. Curious to know what my stand is? Here you go...
First of all let me clarify that i am on the side of majority - Not by thinking, but by my status. However, my admiration and respect for the organization hasn't come down a bit. McK had explained to us in detail (through a number of interactions) the pains they undertake to evaluate the applications. The things they look for, turn offs, evaluation criteria, the time they spend on the shortlisting process etc... I am sure they would have done a thorough job before coming out with the shortlist. If at the end, your name doesn't figure in the list, it does not mean that the shortlisting process was bad. They knew what they were looking for and they found that in some applications. Yes, they could have made a few mistakes. But that is the trade off between being 100% right and the time pressures. I am sure they are OK with losing a few degree of fairness in the interest of time.
Congratulations for the all the newly crowned kings and queens. And for others, do think hard. Do think why you really wanted consulting? Is it the money or the work? Is it the glamour or your true interest? In marriages you are better off marrying someone who likes you, rather than marrying someone whom you like. Its the same with respect to career. If you do not have forceful answers to some of the questions posted above, may be you will be better off sticking to an area of your strength/ interest. Money will follow. Money has to catch up with skills... at least in most cases.