Saturday, August 4, 2007

Pursuit of leadership

Today, one of our professors gave a very interesting definition of business leadership... It goes as follows: "All business leadership is about chasing perpetually changing perpetually vanishing arbitrage opportunities".. I liked this definition of business leadership because this brings many other things to perspective.

First of all this connotes that business leadership is a journey and not a destination. To be on the top of the ladder requires one to continually seek newer and emerging opportunities. To understand emerging trends and opportunities, while it is necessary to have a bird's eye view of the entire landscape, it is not sufficient. You should also have your feet on the ground to feel the pulse of the market. Possessing only one of these attributes may lead us to either taking a myopic view of opportunities or in just missing out the details.

Secondly, every opportunity vanishes or runs out of steam some day. We necessarily don't need to take a very long term view of opportunities to profit from them. Every opportunity needs to be evaluated as an investment and this means weighing cost vs. benefit. We should be indifferent while weighing short and long term opportunities, if the ratios of cost versus benefit are the same.

Some people may not necessarily subscribe to this view of placing short term opportunities on an equal footing with long term opportunities. Fair enough. But what is long term? Remember what Keynes said "In the long run we are all dead"...

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